June 25 Newsletter
June 25, 2013
At the Tuesday meeting your officers for the upcoming year were sworn in.
The new officers are:
President- Shane Sparouse
Vice President- James Groom
Secretary- Thomas Reilly
Treasurer- Ashok Mathias
The induction was conducted by past President Richie Mooney. Past District Governor Robbie Donno was present.
Robbie spoke about his experience with the Gift of Life Foundation. He spoke about his first encounter with one of the recipients with this life saving operation. He provided us with a very powerful and moving recollection of the recipient’s father. I could not do him justice by trying to relay his message. You would have to be there to understand his feeling for this program.
Our goals for the next year sound simple but will need the assistance or each and every one of us to achieve. First is to increase membership to forty. At present there are 19 members. In this respect we all can bring in new members or ask a potential member to attend as our guest. Second is to get our signature project off the ground. This is a Rotary-Belmont Family day to be held in early October 2013. If this is successful will be an annual fund raiser for us.
In closing two reminders semi-annual dues are now do. And second the raffle is on July 4th. Please get your tickets in by July 2nd. I have more ticket if you need them.
You can send you checks to me or if necessary I will pick them up.
Thank You for your co-operation.
Tom Reilly
91 Elizabeth St
Floral Park, New York 11001