Newsletter January 18, 2012
Newsletter January 18, 2012
On January 10th our speaker was Jamessina Hille, Manager of Marketing and Public relations for Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Long Island. This wonderful organization witnesses the power of mentoring every day – whether it is a pat on the back, doing homework together or cheering in the stands, as a Big Brother, one can help a boy to see the world from a different perspective. Jamessina shared the quote, “Start something Big by helping a child realize his endless potential.” and gave us a great overview of this powerful organization. For more info please go to
Our next meeting on January 24th will be a presentation by the Red Cross. We asked District Governor, Gabor Karsai to join us and induct new members; John Beyer, President of Men on the Move, and Bob Manning, Owner of Bob's Place Restaurant. Please make every effort to attend this meeting showing support for the Governor.
On February 14th, Dr Lynn Pombonyo, Superintendent of the Floral Park-Bellerose School District will be speaking about the elementary school's state of affairs. She has been quite supportive of our Halloween Giveaway & the Blood Drive so she may well be a perfect candidate for membership
On February 28th the topic of the meeting will be information on the various international Rotary youth exchange programs. We have District Rotary Youth Exchange Program Chairperson, Donna Rivera-Downey lined up as our speaker.
Looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday, January 24th.