Newsletter September 24, 2011
The Fall officially started this past week and like nature our club is compelled to enter a new season and move on. We have meetings coming up which will require slide and power point presentations which ideally would be best served in a dedicated room. Bryan Smolarz did some investigative legwork and with majority (phone) concensuss we are going to move the next two meetings to Bob's Place Restaurant, 230 Jericho Tpke., Floral Park, NY. Bob's can provide us a private meeting room with dinner at a cost of $19 for three entree choices, soda/seltzer, dessert, coffee, and it includes the tip. If after the two trial meetings we decide to officially move our meetings to Bob's, we will keep our price at $20 with the extra dollar going towards the Rotary Foundation. In this way our club can meet DG Gabor Karsai's challenge to achieve 100% club member participation with the Foundation.
So this coming Tuesday, September 27th (our next meeting), please come to Bob's Place Restaurant, 230 Jericho Tpke!! Starting time 5:30pm. Our speaker will be Tom Lai, a potential member, who will be talking about his specialty; personal computers..
Gabor's visit on the 13th was highlighted with his swearing in Shane Parouse and Tom Reilly as new members. Hope you all saw their picture in the “Dispatch” with VP Gregory Kramer handing out pins, shirts and hats. Nice! Welcome aboard Shane and Tom!
Follow up: On Oct 6th at the North Shore Towers, Floral Park, NY, Lou Falco will be presenting to the NSTs residents the Rotary's Veteran's Initiative. This opportunity was arranged by Jim Quinn, who was a guest at our Aug 9th meeting. As a Marine, Jim was effected by Lou's talk.
John Beyer was a guest at our Floral Park-Bellerose Rotary Business Card Exchange on Aug 23rd. We have asked John to return as a speaker in November and he has accepted with enthusiasm. He owns Men on the Move in Floral Park which provides moving and storage services. He just acquired a warehouse in Glen Cove which had been vacant for years. It's an interesting story of perseverance and business acumen.
Upcoming meetings:
Oct 4th: Board Meeting at 5:30 at Bob's Place. All are welcome.
Oct 11; Jacki Yonic at Bob's Place will present RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award). Please bring school officials, teachers, youth group leaders, parents, & students, particularly sophomores. We need a crowd!
Oct 25 Bellerose resident & Surrogate Judge Edward W. McCarty will speak about our jury system .
Oct 31 Potential - Halloween Candy Giveaway at Rotary Park (corner of Verbena and Tulip) Details to follow!